How it affects the Sikh community?

Members of the Sikh community are no strangers to instances of hate crime perpetrated against them. Sikhs are visibly distinct, and the turban and beard are the most obvious expressions of religious identity which sets them aside from other communities. Since the conception of the Sikh faith by the first Guru, Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Sikhs have endured centuries of persecution due to their outward appearance.
Today, freedom of religious expression is almost guaranteed by the Human Rights Act and other legislative safeguards. Yet, Sikhs are often victims of hate crimes. Following the 9/11 attacks in New York and 7/7, members of the Sikh community were often mistaken for Muslims and targeted for their appearance.

Balbir Singh Sodhi (1949 – September 15, 2001)

Today, freedom of religious expression is almost guaranteed by the Human Rights Act and other legislative safeguards. Yet, Sikhs are often victims of hate crimes. Following the 9/11 attacks in New York and 7/7, members of the Sikh community were often mistaken for Muslims and targeted for their appearance. Hate crime continues unabated today and is constantly underreported within the Sikh community. The Sikh Guard initiative in conjunction with True Vision will help raise awareness within the community and encourage the reporting of hate crimes.

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